TUI Homepage

A brand new homepage  for the TUI Launch

TUI's marketing director briefed us to design a fresh homepage design for the launch of TUI in the UK market. This new design needed to signal a clear break from older brand, Thomson Holidays. Pulling in resource from my UI Design Team and collaborating with the in-house UX expert, we crafted a dynamic page design that responded to the customer journey across a range of user states as well as creating showcase for our rich travel content.

Project Principles

Reflect the TUI Brand

Signal to the customer that the TUI brand is safe and secure with the benefits of modern, high quality travel

Design responsively

Replace the separate desktop and mobile sites with a single responsive design

Personalise the experience

Use  UX user profiles to address customer needs at each stage of the journey

Engage with visual content

Condense written content - replace with visual imagery include video where possible

Examples of Homepage user states: