A product launch with local knowledge at its heart

The campaign brief was to launch Cities by TUI, changing our heartland customer's perception of the TUI brand in the process. Raising brand consideration with the millennial traveller was an added challenge. The result was a range of social content with the stretch to appeal to both segments. This was a mix of brochure, youtube videos and social posts, all mining the commissioned vlogger content as shown below.

Themed content

Campaign strategy was to establish our local credentials by showing our customers that we could surprise them with authentic urban experiences. I structured the content around three core themes; Walk, Shop, Taste. To get the detail right we commissioned resident vloggers in each city to produce a video city guide. This content played as a 2-3 minute YouTube guided tours or cutdown into themed snippets to feature in our social feeds. We also used their expertise to populate the brochure content pages.

Each local expert was commissioned to produce a video guide for her destination

Brochure page designs